Sunday, July 22, 2007

fun with dad

We went more than 100!


Michelle Coder said...

Wow! Sienna, great job making a cool blog! I love your choice of pixs. You've done some really fun things.

Blessings and peace to you (:


Josh Unfried said...


What a cool blog. It's so pretty!


Megan Webb said...

Hey Sienna,

You made a great site! I am excited to be able to read about all your adventures on here :o) I think my favorite pictures are from Coronado. I live right next to that area, so if you ever want to go Kayaking again, tell your parents to come visit and we will go ;) I enjoy kayaking as long as it is not too cold outside and there are not big waves. Well little lady, keep up the good work and keep blogging. Let us know if you ever have a prayer request.

Peace be with you.
-Megan Webb (The girl with all the curly hair and the bumble bee song)

rewind photography said...

hey siena, i think it is really cool you made your own blog. how much fun to drive with your dad is that really cool car. have a grate time with your family at the beach. i miss you. but i now you are haveing a good time with you family so i am happy:) love you. rebekah andrews

Kafkas said...

Sienna Grace,

This is awesome! You have done a great job!

