Wednesday, July 14, 2010

4 best pics (from today)

Dad and I went on a walk because we arrived in San Juan early.  We thought we were supposed to meet the team early, but there was no meeting today!  We were walking on a road that had ferns growing up the walls! 

We went to the potter's house and I got to paint a butterfly.  
I'm taking it home tomorrow!

On our walk we saw a basket weaver stripping bamboo chutes into  strips.  Then he used the strips to weave a basket.

I really miss Matthy and Isaiah and Mama.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Having fun in Nicaragua!

We filled up really fast.
Every chair was full.

Handing out puppet people.

Drinking really yummy corn-based drink (I don't know the name).

Hello Rain!

Thanks rain for mopping the deck!

Beautiful view at Grandma's house!

I filled up a whole entire bucket of rain water!

It's raining hard!

Relaxing in the morning.

More rain fell in 20 minutes than has fallen in Lincoln all summer!